Breaking News! Information on classes for Poets on the Coast 2025
Elizabeth Bradfield: Doubling Down on Obsession: Listening and Connecting
Susan Landgraf: What Stardust Has to Do with It: Writing with Joy and Wonder
Join Elizabeth Bradfield, Susan Landgraf, and Susan Rich, for the
15th Annual Poets on the Coast: A Weekend Writing Retreat for Women
September 5-7th, 2025, fully in-person at the La Connor Inn, La Conner, Washington
Become part of the Poets on the Coast family.
Join women poets & writers to create, learn, & share work in a positive creative community.
Accommodation is entirely up to you! We have several area hotels and bed and breakfasts to suggest...
Your weekend includes:
* Friday evening Poets' Party (food and wine)
*Light lunch on Sunday (and lots of snacks all weekend)
* Optional Saturday night event
* Optional Open Mic (to listen, to read, or both)
* Morning yoga (for beginners and more advanced)
* Sessions on generating new work and on craft (3 poets-in-residence)
* Best Workshop Practices (where we share new poems from the weekend)
* Swag Bags (books, notebooks, and more...)
* Museum visit to Museum of Northwest Art (and publication!)
* Poetry Sisters (a POTC alumna to meet with each first year participant; optional)
* One-on-one meetings with faculty Susan L., Liz, or Susan R (for everyone!)
If you want to sponsor a woman poet, please contact
Poets on the Coast(at) gmail.com (THANK YOU)
GUEST POETS: Elizabeth Bradfield and Susan Landgraf!
PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE for BIPOC writers and individuals in financial need: We want this workshop to be accessible to all who want to participate. We know these are difficult times and for some there is the added stress of losing your job or reduced income. If the price is a real hardship, please email Susan at PoetsontheCoast(at) gmail.com and tell us in 2-3 sentences what your circumstances are, send three recent poems (published or unpublished) and tell us what, if anything, you could pay.
We could not do this weekend without the ongoing support of these poetry presses, indie bookstores, and writing residencies.
Copper Canyon Press
Floating Bridge Press
Museum of Northwest Art (MOMA)
Two Sylvias Press